Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blogging for the Masses???

Back to blogging. Now I have been told that my cousin reads my maybe there is a reason to blog. So Heather keep reading...I will keep talking to you. So until I get some responses as to who reads this thing...Heather this blogs for you. Keep reading I will keep typing! LOL So the beach sessions are over. It was a very good time. It actually did not rain much at all. I shot Liam and Faith and we had a good time. Both kiddos loved the beach and ocean it was quite funny. It is odd how kids have NO fear of those BIG HUGE waves beating the earth. They would just walk right to the sea and become mermaids and mermen!!! So I will post a few images when they are all ready, but I came home to 2 sessions and a husband who went back to college! How funny...yeah.
Stay Tuned

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