Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Longwood Gardens Sessions

Okie Dokie so here is the deal. I have came up with 2 dates for Longwood Gardens, the first is in late April early May need to check 2 more things before I commit to the actual date but it will be a Sunday. Yes I know it will be busy there...but most people will not take off on a Monday or that would be even better! The reason I picked this time is because they have what is called "Spring Blooms" this is when all the tulips are in bloom all the daffodills and crocuses (sp). So I am going to have 4 time slots open for a location session there in the spring. The second one there is called "Autumn colors" I have not decided on the exact date as those beautiful colors happen due to weather changes. I would like it to get a little colder so the colors just POP! with a nice blue sky. Will be awesome.
So those with little ones not walking by either date dont be discouraged. A 9 month old sitting in a bunch of tulips is gorgeous!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

We would love to do pictures at Longwood with Liam so save us a time slot!!