So I thought while pictures upload I would blog about my garden that is slowly taking shape here on the Taylor land. I have a 16x36 garden. It will grow corn, tomoatoes, strawberries, radishes, beets, onions, jalapeno peppers, cucumbers, green beans, and some sort of melon, or pumpkin, or baby pumpkins so I can make and can pumpkin pie filling. Mmm. So I have tilled it and now am waiting for Jimmie to stop working so much so we can put my box around it, (we are boxing it in), and I can actually get to the growing and hoeing part. That is the best. We are going to make a small chicken tractor to actually be able to put the chickens in the garden to let them do the scratching and digging crap. Not sure how yet depends on the garden layout. I am excited. I like to grow things.
Stay Tuned!